Registration Management

Once you have nominated the development needs of your staff, JHW can manage the registration process for you, including:

  • Online Booking System (via the JHW website, using a secure private area for your organisation only)
  • Send out compelling "Invitation to Register"
  • Follow up phone calls/emails for slow respondents
  • Reporting to you on take up of registration.

 The benefit to you far exceeds the administrative savings (although this can be considerable):

  • Reduced drop-out rate - Because the participant has actively registered on an external website, they tend to have more ownership over the appointment than when an internal L&D colleague has allocated them to an event. They are much more likely to manage other events around the commitment, rather than cancel at the first opportunity. We have experienced greatly reduced drop out when we manage registrations on your behalf.
  • Less internal friction - Many participants will need to be followed up respond to the registration. When an external vendor calls them to convince them of the value to them of attending the workshop, they are likely to respond more positively than when an internal admin staff member is chasing them up for nob-conformance.
  • More positive start - We consider every touch-point with your staff an opportunity to build engagement prior to the commencement of the workshop. When this happens we find that workshops are much more productive from the outset. We have used the opportunity to remove any doubts as to whether they want to attend, they have had the opportunity to weigh us up, and their buy-in tends to be greater as result.
  • Planning & Flexibility - by enforcing an advanced planning approach, we can offer participants with the flexibility to attend various dates, locking in the program well in advance. This provides your staff with a perception of professionalism, compared to the panic call for volunteers to fill last minute spaces that can otherwise result.

We keep you informed of registration take up by either periodic reports on workshop registration, or by an auto-email to your inbox for every registration, as it is received.