Our Guided Tour demonstrates the JHW Call Plan App.  

JHW Call Plan App

Do you spend much time in meetings?

Are you treating every meeting as an opportunity to make positive progress to the project/initiative you are working on, whilst improving your career options?

The key is preparation. Most of us know that we perform more confidently and competently when we have prepared well, yet when confronted with a blank sheet of paper it can be a challenge to know where to start our planning.

The Call Plan App guides your thorough preparation including:

  • What outcomes are you seeking?
  • How to get off to a good start?
  • How to ensure you build engagement (to make business easier in the future)?
  • How do I recognise and adapt to the different personality traits of my stakeholders?
  • What obstacles might I confront, and how will I deal with them?
  • How can I lock in the plan of action that achieves my ends?
  • Structuring the meeting for best results

The App provides templates for certain types of meetings, and allow you to build and add your own templates (i.e. Our monthly Sales Meeting).

Using the Call Plan to prepare for meetings has resulted in:

  • Shorter meetings with positive outcomes (rather than long meetings that go nowhere)
  • Less time wasted in meetings I don’t need to attend (Early in my preparation I realise whether there is any value for me)
  • Stronger personal brand - your stakeholders are assessing you on how you perform in meetings
  • Less OMG! moments - we have prepared for all eventualities

Failure to Plan = Planning to Fail!

Links to download the JHW Call Plan App are shown below.

JHW Personality Compass

Because the people we meet in business are all different, what may work in one business encounter, may not be successful in another situation. The Personality Compass is designed to help you observe and assess some key personality traits of the customers, clients, stakeholders, colleagues, managers and subordinates that you deal with, and offer you advice on how you might adjust your style in order to establish a more productive relationship. 

JHW has helped over 4000 business professionals to improve their business relationships through its training workshops over the last 10 years, and is pleased to now offer one of the key techniques as an Android App

Links to download the JHW Personality Compass App are shown below.

Call Plan App

The Call Plan App will help you prepare for meetings more thoroughly with the express objective of maximising the value of the meeting outcomes for you. Whether its a 5 minute prep for a relatively run of the mill meeting, or an intense preparation covering all the bases for a "Must nail it" meeting, the Call Plan App along with the pre-loaded templates will ensure you are more confident, and help you to attain better results. So compressive is the Call Plan that every time you use it you will be consciously applying around 70% of the content of the workshop.

Personality Compass

The Personality Compass App will suggest the personality quadrant of a stakeholder on answering 12 either/or questions, and suggest adjustments you might like to make to your personal style to stand a better chance of connecting. Do you focus on Trust, Rapport or Value first? Should you be more or less up beat? Do you focus and prepare for detail, or elevate to big picture?”