Engagement Skills Refresher

Sustain and expand on progress...


Greater uptake & sustainability of the skills attained on the Engagement Skills Workshops. The Engagement Skills Workshops have great impact in shifting the mindset of participants, and generating new and improved ways of performing their roles. However it is intensive, too much content to take in all at once, too many skills to put into practice after just one sitting. This refresher is designed to help participants sustain the change of behaviour that they have implemented, and then pick up on some of the items they missed or have not yet started. The investment in an additional half day can double the value attained during the initial 3 days.


Participants of the Engagement Skills Workshops, 6 - 24 months on.

Workshop elements

The key to the workshop is "refresh without repetition". The event revisits key frameworks through quiz and discussion. Time is spent introducing the eCall Plan, and using ioy to plan templates for some of the most important meetings in the participants' real world.


The workshop is a 3 hour event.


Comments from Previous Participants

"Thanks to both to you for the refresher session yesterday. It was a great opportunity to revisit some of the key areas of the program and I particularly found it great to see there is still so much consistency around the content - which reinforces to me that this is good foundation stuff that evolves with the inevitable automation of tools etc, but the core concepts are still very much applicable and don't really change with new business management theories and systems 4-5 year on! I was also excited to revisit the 4 quadrants and see the links to our recent diagnostic interview process which I believe will really help people to understand where other individuals are coming from with some of the data when released. The other thing I was really happy to see was the passion you both still have for this. It is certainly infectious and bring the concepts to life."

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