Makin' Movies (Team Building & Team Dynamics)

Helping diverse teams work together more productively.


Participants will have a greater understanding of the dynamics of teams, the ways in which their colleagues prefer to communicate, and how to maximise team productivity by working more cooperatively. They will be more prepared to engage with others, to embrace diversity and to tolerate some of the differences that they may currently percieve as weaknesses.


Teams and groups of people that need to work productively together. Teams from 6 - 40 people can be accommodated in a single event. The event balances a strong element of fun with relevant business learnings.

Workshop elements

Short theory sessions around the drivers of team productivity. The bulk of the day is taken up by a team based experiential exercise "Makin' Movies". This is finished off with a presentation of awards.


The workshop is a 1 day event that can stand alone or be part of a larger event (e.g. Team Retreat, Kick-off session, Project Launch). Presentation of team awards can be extended into the evening over drinks or dinner.


Comments from Previous Participants

"Excellent concept - best team day activity I have experienced - job related, good networking and team forming activities, solid day of working with a lot of fun. It was an innovative way of displaying team building, and most importantly, had a huge element of fun."

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